Fire, Butt, and Snakes Are Not for Play,"


The world we live in is not the world I desire. We have been convinced that the best things offered to us are those that are heavily advertised. Do you think I'm mistaken? Then tell me, why does an influencer promoting a “hair removal cream” receive so many likes and glowing comments?

What influencers and other well-paid celebrities for their “advertising work” talk about attracts us also because it offers an imaginary world that is practically unreachable in real life.

Where are the days when we went to the library to browse, smell books, and read a sentence here and there?

Where are the days when we borrowed or bought a book based on our own judgment and not an advertisement?

Yesterday, Ines from the Styrian region was with me. A woman in her prime years, but with harsh stories she has experienced since childhood.

“Nobody wants to listen to me; you are my last hope,” she said. Well, a psychotherapist would listen to her, but she would charge her for it.

And then we were together until lunchtime when she had to get up and leave to pick up her child from school.

I will publish her story in my fifth book "Fire, Butt, and Snakes Are Not for Play."

I am also publishing the book because of Ines and all the others who, in the indifferent society we live in, are not heard.

I am no longer young; I have plenty of personal experiences regarding interpersonal relationships.

I painfully realize that we have never been less concerned about our fellow human beings than we are today.

In my mission of “listening,” I persist not for myself; after all, I could be doing many other things.

I persist because I believe that maybe tomorrow will be different. That tomorrow we will - sober up.

And when we once again sincerely start seeking ways to connect with our fellow human beings, we will also need experiences.

In my books "Fire, Butt, and Snakes Are Not for Play," there are numerous recorded stories of people who felt compelled to confess and perhaps with their experiences, help others as well.

Why is the saying “the apple doesn't fall far from the tree” more alive than ever?

I'll tell you why: because today, we are more interested in cosmetic surgeries than life experiences that could help us avoid repeating the mistakes of our ancestors, let alone friends and acquaintances.

My words might sound as if they are filled with bitterness. They are not!

Believe me, they are not!

With them, I only wish to awaken you, to stir you, so that you would finally realize that behind all the media and virtual glamour, behind all the fairy tales that distract you from real problems, lies what we call “real life.”

And in real life, we often cry, seek help, yearn for a fellow human being who will listen and understand us.

Sometimes, to escape troubles, a “textbook” with stories of those who have already gone through a similar ordeal as ours is enough.




 Even though the books "Fire, Butt, and Snakes Are Not for Play" are written in Slovenian, you can still read them even if you don't understand Slovene, thanks to the tools offered by artificial intelligence.

Translated by Chat GPT




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